Posts tagged publishers- Posted by John on September 23, 2016
Update 23rd Sept: Make that four submissions! Our first submission to the SocArXiv just went through today too! :)
Three weeks ago we announced a new partnership with the Center for Open Science on their new OSF Preprints Service.
I'm delighted to report that, after only three weeks of the submission links being live, we've now had three submissions to the engRxiv directly from Overleaf!
- Posted by Mary Anne on August 31, 2016
August 30, 2016 | Charlottesville, VA, and London, UK
We have just announced a new partnership with The Center for Open Science (COS), a non-profit science and technology company in Virginia. Overleaf will support the automatic submission of manuscripts authored on our platform onto the new OSF Preprints service that COS is launching this fall. OSF Preprints is a free open source preprint platform built and maintained by COS through their Open Science Framework (OSF). It helps researchers to discover new research as it happens and enables them to receive quick feedback on their own research. The Overleaf integration will initially be available on two OSF Preprints partner services, engrXiv and SocArXiv.
- Posted by John on August 25, 2016
After a great turnout at our last #FuturePub in May, and given that the London ALPSP conference is coming up soon, we're teaming up with Scholarly Social for a pre-ALPSP event on September 13th!
The evenings are designed to be fun and informal - we aim to give opportunities to those working on new ideas and innovations a chance to present and get feedback on their ideas. And did I mention the free pizza?
FuturePub is being held at The Stables (near Kings Cross). Doors open at 6:00pm and the talks will kick off at 7pm. Space at the venue is limited, so please register for your free tickets now to reserve your place!
- Posted by John on July 19, 2016
- Posted by Mary Anne on July 8, 2016
London – July 8, 2016: Overleaf and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) announce a new partnership to provide ASCE authors with a new, enhanced authoring template and simplified submission process. Through this partnership, authors submitting to all 35 of the ASCE journals will have access to the ASCE authoring template within Overleaf - the award winning collaborative cloud-based writing and reviewing tool. Once finished writing, authors will be able to easily submit to any ASCE journal through a simplified submission link within the authoring template.